Physics Library


Here you can find the Marconi and Fermi buildings reading rooms summer closure.
Happy summer holidays!!!

Listen to our podcast on:

Fill out the survey and let us know about your experience with the Sapienza libraries

At this link you can find all the news about the ELECTRONIC RESOURCES: deals, trials and educational open sessions

Important personal Archives (Amaldi, Giovene Amaldi, Cabibbo, Gentile jr and Zanchi) hold by our library have been declared of important historical interest by Italian Minister of Culture

22 May, h. 17.00

“Maksimovič. La storia di Bruno Pontecorvo”  con Giuseppe Mussardo

Registration required

Also this year our library is connected with Orazio Lyceum's students with the aim to promote their school library


Sapienza libraries join PIM - Metropolitan Interlibrary Loan, the service that allows books not owned by Sapienza libraries to be borrowed from the Rome Libraries. To request a PIM you may contact your Sapienza library or send a request via email from your institutional email address. The service is free of charge.
For further information:

Covid: numeri in calo e nuove varianti, l'analisi 10 OCTOBER 2023 NEWS about COVID-19 prevention and management in Sapienza University:

The Sapienza Mentorship Commitee  is a collaboration with the International Organization for Migration  thanks to projects like "TandEM" (2018/19) and Mentorship (2020/21) and goes on with projects like U-Tandem and La Sapienza for inclusion.

 The aim is to have more students involved in a cohesive Academic area and to empower the integration of foreign Sapienza students experimenting a peer support.

For more information write an email to



On 19 May 2023 professor and Noble prize Giorgio Parisi spoke with us about memory preservation and Physics Department historical Archives
For the video record:

Here we are!From 8 to 11 June we will attend the Archives night 2023. Go to these links: and to watch our video and travel inside the papers!








  Since 16 January 2023 in order to access the catalogue, holders of Sapienza institutional credentials may use the "Sapienza users" or "SPID/CIE" button.




Tandem is a cross-cultural language exchange project among University students from different countries.


Download Instructions

  Have you already activated your institutional email? You can do it by clicking on this link:

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma