Transparent Administration


This section, in compliance with the Legislative Decree 150/09 and the Resolution no. 105/2010 of the Commission for Evaluation, Transparency and Integrity, contains information concerning every aspect of the organisation, indicators relating to management trends and the use of resources for the pursuit of institutional functions, the results of the measurement and evaluation activities carried out by the competent bodies, in accordance with the provisions of the law, with the aim of encouraging widespread forms of control of compliance with the principles of good performance and impartiality.
Transparency contributes to implementing the democratic principle and the constitutional principles of equality, impartiality, good performance, responsibility, effectiveness and efficiency in the use of public resources, integrity and loyalty to the service to the nation. It is a condition for guaranteeing all individual and collective freedoms, as well as civil, political and social rights, and it integrates the right to have a good administration and contributes to the creation of an open administration that is truly at the service of the citizen.
Following the “Trasparenza Sapienza” link, you can also access information concerning the organization and activity of Sapienza University of Rome, in order to encourage widespread forms of control over the pursuit of institutional functions and the use of public resources.

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma