Science Education and Lifelong Learning

The physicists of the Department are engaged in various works of dissemination and in dissemination of scientific culture. They are open to collaborations with other parties such as associations, schools, newspapers, TV. If you have proposals, please contact us to discuss them.
The dissemination of the results of scientific research is one of the pillars of the outreach activity that the Department pursues. A list of the initiatives, almost always carried out in collaboration with the INFN, is available here. In addition to these initiatives, the Physics Department supports or promotes others in collaboration with other parties, such as:
Programs currently underway are illustrated.
Art & Science Across Italy
Art & Science across Italy is a project promoted by the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and by CERN. Mira a coinvolgere nelle attività scientifiche gli studenti meno motivati dei licei. It aims at involving less motivated high school students in scientific activities. These students are often not very interested because they deal with scientific issues in a way that does not suit them and is too formal for them. In this project the most motivated students can work together with those with a more marked artistic inclination to create works of art inspired by physics themes, in a research that also aims at finding new forms of science communication. The two-year project ends with an exhibition of the works created in a prestigious museum in the city. Some works selected by an international jury will be exhibited in a national exhibition and among them some winners will be declared; these will have the opportunity to follow a master's degree in Art and Science at CERN, funded by the INFN. The Department supports this activity by providing facilities and teachers and contributing financially to its execution.
Lab2Go is a project in collaboration with Rome’s INFN Section that targets upper secondary schools in order to encourage the use of the laboratory. In the participating schoolsm a group of students catalogues the instruments present in the school laboratory and assesses their conditions, studying their functioning and identifying the possible experiments that may be performed with the available instrumentation. All the heritage of instruments and their use is documented on the project website. In the second year of activity, the students who carried out the cataloguing act as "laboratory technicians" for the teachers of the school. The coordinator of Lab2Go is
Prof. Riccardo Faccini

Marconi building, second floor, room 250 – Main Campus

tel. 06 49914798
Scientific Degrees Plan

The Scientific Degrees Plan (Piano Lauree Scientifiche, PLS) promotes the dissemination of scientific culture among high school students. The Physics Department is engaged in this activity in collaboration with schools in Rome and its province. It is a varied plan the actions of which are aimed at achieving different objectives. Among these, the most important are: orientation upon admission, teacher training, the dissemination of modern physics and the promotion of the use of laboratories in schools, with particular attention to the use of modern digital technologies.
For further details, please visit the dedicated pages. The local contact point for the PLS is
Prof. Giovanni Organtini

Marconi building, second floor, room 246 – Main Campus

tel. 06 49914329
Meetings in schools

For conferences on science outreach, non-university seminars, Physics lessons for high school students, please contact the Head of Orientation.
Prof. Antonio Polimeni

Marconi building, third floor, room 310 – Main Campus

tel. 06 49914770

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma