Charles L. Bennett Seminar - Tomassoni Prize 2015

Friday, 19 June, 2015

Aula Amaldi 19 Giugno 2015 - ore 15.00
Prof. Charles L. Bennett
Professor of Physics and Astronomy and a Gilman Scholar at Johns Hopkins University Baltimora (USA)

The Standard Model of Cosmology

abstract: In some ways the Standard Model of Cosmology is simple, but it can also be viewed as strange and not well-understood. After all that we have learned during the current “golden age of cosmology” we are faced with many significant questions. I will briefly review the development of the Standard Model of Cosmology with a concentration of the role of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) in probing the universe. I will discuss current observational constraints on the model, addressing consistency both between the sets of measurements and between measurements and the Standard Model. After discussing successes and challenges of the Standard Model, I will take a look forward to what we can hope to learn from measurements in the near future.

Caterina Tomassoni and Felice Pietro Chisesi Prizes 2015
Awardee: Prof. Charles L. Bennett
motivation: "For Dr. Bennett's leadership in two experiments on the Cosmic Microwave Background that literally changed our view of the Universe: COBE-DMR, leading to the discovery of primordial spatial fluctuations in the CMB, and WMAP, leading to precise measurements of the cosmological parameters and establishing -de facto- the Standard Cosmological Model".

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma