


General information
Erasmus+ is the new European Union program 2014-2020 for education, training, youth and sport that encourages college students, through scholarships, to attend Universities participant to the European program, where to take courses and exams related to their academic curriculum, or carry out studies for his thesis. Furthermore, Erasmus encourages the mobility of doctoral students. Each faculty of the University has set up bilateral agreements with other universities by providing a number of grants for student mobility. Erasmus grants are designed to allow the participants to attend courses, followed by relevant examinations, or to conduct internships, or for their partial/complete thesis preparation. The Erasmus period, ranging from a minimum of three months to a maximum of 12 months, begins on June 1 and ends on September 30. Students winners of the grant will receive an economic contribution, additional funds will be allocated for students in economically disadvantaged situations and students with disabilities.

How to apply 
Calls for selection will be annually organized for the participation at Erasmus+ scholarships, and published on the website of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences in the Erasmus section. Students who intend to participate in the Program Erasmus+ have to:
  • verify the possession of the requirements specified in the call
  • consult the websites of the universities to orient their training offer and locate the university where they carry out the study period; on the application form the student can specify up to four universities in order of priority
  • identifying the courses they wish to attend at the partner university (it is strongly recommended a contact with the promoter of the Agreement). For the preparation of the thesis must however agree with your supervisor what activities to be performed at the partner university; the supervisor will draft a brief description of this activity and indicate the reference teachers at the host University
  • Contact the teacher promoter of the agreement, for advice on the study design and the completion of the application

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma