Students XXXIV cycle – Sapienza (1 nov. 2018 - 31 oct. 2021)



Student Tutor Thesis
Carron Duque Javier Nicola Vittorio The CMB polarisation: future perspectives on the theoretical and experimental sides
Crestani Giuliana Giuseppe Bono A new and independent estimate of the Hubble constant using primary distance indicators
D'Ambrosio Andrea Fabio Curti Optimal Guidance and Control for Exploring Missions on Asteroids
Ferrazzoli Riccardo Paolo Soffitta Measurement of the X-ray polarization (1-100 keV) a method to understand the emission mechanisms and the geometry of celestial sources, from the Sun to active galaxies.
Fortuni Flaminia Adriano Fontana The properties of the first galaxies with JWST and Euclid
Giaré William Alessandro Melchiorri Constraining Axions with Cosmology
Huang Liye Luigi Stella Ultraluminous X-ray Sources, Magnetars and Gravitational Waves
Mele Lorenzo Silvia Masi Measurements of Spectral Distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background: the OLIMPO and COSMO experiments
Mordini Sabrina Luigi Spinoglio Galaxy evolution studies with SPICA Infrared telescope (ESA M5 candidate)
Mugnai Lorenzo Enzo Pascale Characterisation of the atmospheres of extrasolar planets: Instrument design and science optimisation of ARIEL, the exoplanet spectroscopic space mission of the next decade
Munoz Cesar Paolo Ventura The role of AGB stars in the chemical evolution of Globular Clusters in the Milky Way bulge.
Ratheesh Ajay Tombesi Estimating the emission mechanisms and geometry of accreting compact objects with X-ray polarimetry
Roberti Lorenzo Marco Limongi Presuperonva evolution, explosion and nucleosynthesis of primordial core collapse supernovae
Sassano Federica Raffaella Schneider The formation and coalescence sites of gravitational wave events

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma