Students XXXIII cycle – Tor Vergata (1 nov. 2017 - 31 ott. 2020)



Student Tutor Thesis
Andrea Bonchi Andrea Grazian On the contribution of faint AGNs to the ionizing background at high z and their detection by way of variability
Daniele Calchetti Francesco Berrilli High spectral stability instrument for stellar and planetary observation
Elia Chiaraluce Francesca Panessa, Fausto Vagnetti Multifrequency study of accretion and ejection phenomena onto supermassive black holes
Ivan Di Antonio Mauro Dolci Design and analysis of opto-mechanical solutions for Adaptive Optics instrumentation
Margerita Fasano Valeria Ferrari Constraining the equation of state of neutron stars with astrophysical and gravitational wave observations
Eleonora Fiorellino Brunella Nisini, Davide Elia The Evolution of Young Stellar Objects from Prestellar Cores to Protoplanetary Disks
Alberto Iess Viviana Fafone Machine-Learning Applications to Gravitational Wave Physics
Adrian Kazakov Francesco Lazzarotto Studies and methods for the processing, scientific analysis and visualization of data from the particle detectors of the SERENA space experiment on-board the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission
Alfredo Luminari Francesco Tombesi Modeling of black hole winds, form the horizon up to galaxy scales
Fatemeh Zahra Majidi Roberto Capuzzo Dolcetta, Piero Rapagnani Following the emission of gravitational waves from a zoo of Black Holes through multi-band gravitational waves astronomy
Giuseppe Presta Silvia Masi Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect with balloon-borne experiments
Riccardo Schiavi Roberto Capuzzo Dolcetta Galaxy interactions and the feedback on their super massive black holes
Federico Tosone Nicola Vittorio Phenomenology of Dark Energy: Constraints from Low-Redshift Observations
Karimova Ulkar Alessandro Mura Modelling the Solar Wind Interaction with Planetary environments in view of the BepiColombo Mercury observations

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma