Students XXXII cycle – Sapienza (1 nov. 2016 - 31 oct. 2019)

Student Tutor Thesis
Liu Ang Pasquale Mazzotta Chemical enrichment of galaxy clusters: the evolution of Fe in the intracluster medium
Silvia Baldi Pasquale Mazzotta, Marco De Petris Astrophysics with the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect towards clusters of galaxies
Stefano Carletta Paolo Teofilatto New Techniques for Space Science Missions
Raffaele Stefano Cattolico    Roberto Capuzzo Dolcetta Dynamical evolution of extrasolar protoplanetary
Fabio Columbro         Paolo de Bernardis The primordial B-modes search in the CMB polarization with LSPE/SWIPE
Nazanin Davari     Luigi Stella, Marco Limongi Dynamical Properties of Binary Stars Hosting Planets around a Schwarzschild or Kerr SMBH
Alessio Marino  Roberto Capuzzo Dolcetta The explosion of massive stars and their compact remnants
Fabrizio Renzi        Alessandro Melchiorri Constraints on cosmological parameters from CMB anisotropies
Valerio Roscani   Adriano Fontana Advanced Image Analysis techniques for Detection and Deblending
Pietro Scarica   Giuseppe Piccioni, Francesco Berrilli The thermal structure of the Venus atmosphere: a comparison of the LMDZ model and VIRTIS data
Marianna Torelli  Giuseppe Bono Stellar populations from local to extragalactic Universe
Andrea Travascio     Pasquale Mazzotta, Enrcio Piconcelli Communicating the Energy: accretion properties and feedback in AGN
Giorgio Viavattene Francesco Berrilli Solar turbulent convection by interferometric measurements

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma