Master Degree Final
The thesis is assigned by direct agreement between the student and the supervisor.
When the thesis is request, as first step, the student must complete and deliver the thesis assignment form (the Director's signature is not required) to the Segreteria Didattica, room no. 005 Marconi building - ground floor.
For what concern the certification of the internship activity, 3 months after the starting date of the thesis, the student will have to deliver the internship activity form, signed by the thesis supervisor, to the professor of his/her Curriculum who can verbalize it. After that, the student must deliver the form to the Segreteria Didattica- room n. 005.
NB: starting from the academic year 12/13 (therefore for matriculated students from the academic year 11/12 to present) the internship activity will have to be recorded on Infostud as educational activity. The dates of the appeals for the verbalization are published in Infostud at the beginning of each academic year.
List of teachers who can verbalize for each Curriculum:
- for the master's degree in Physics: Fundamental Interactions: Theory and Experiment: Prof. R. Paramatti; Matter Physics: Prof. C. Mariani; Theoretical General: Prof. R. Bonciani; Biosystems: Prof. F. Bordi
- for the master's degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics: Prof. F. Piacentini
Students of the Master's degree in Physics must also take the monographic course in Advanced Physics; The monographic course is no longer required starting from the enrollment in the academic year 2017/2018.
The procedure for booking the degree exam is divided into several phases:
- At least 60 days before the date of the beginning of the graduation session, the student must apply, exclusively through a specific online procedure, to the Segreteria Amministrativa Studenti of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences.
On page 7 of the undergraduates reminder (https: periods within it is possible to present the degree application are indicated for each Session.
For instructions on the online degree procedure, see the following link:
- At least 20 days before the date of the beginning of the graduation session, the student must deliver to the Segreteria Didattica:
- two copies of the thesis signed by the student and the supervisor
- booking form (to be delivered in the Library)
- form for the designation of the examiner Professor
- written summary of the thesis
- form for authorization to use personal data
- Privacy GDPR
Graduating students of each session will be promptly informed about: deadlines and delivery of documents within the competence of the Teaching Secretariat, further obligations and procedures for the graduation sessions.
Each session will be organised into one or more graduation sessions; the official calendar will be published, about ten days before the session, at
Each candidate has 20 minutes to prepare a presentation in pdf/ppt format of his/her work. The presentation should be uploaded to the PC in the Degree Room preferably before the start of the session.
Each session will be organised into one or more graduation sessions; the official calendar will be published, about ten days before the session, at
Rules for final voting
Attachment valid for students enrolled in L.M. starting from the 2010-2011 academic year, while the old rule applies to those enrolled in previous years.
- For students enrolled starting from the academic year 2018-2019: the average votes before the graduation is calculated as the weighted average of all the votes obtained. In the case of a degree within May of the year following the legal duration of the course it is possible to replace, if advantageous, this value with the weighted average obtained by discarding the lowest score (6 CFU) among all the courses, with the exception of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Condensed Matter and Physics Laboratory I and II.
Temporary change of criteria for the definition of the average score for master's degrees
The COVID-19 emergency has resulted in a delay in the conduct of experimental theses and other educational activities (e.g., master's laboratory activities). In order not to penalize deserving students, the Teaching Area Council approved the following changes to the rules governing the bonus and the use of the favorable method for calculating the weighted average for the master's degree in Physics and the master's degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics at its meeting of June 19, 2020:
Students enrolled in 2017/2018: will be able to take advantage of the more favorable method for calculating the weighted average in the July 2020 and September 2020 sessions.
Students enrolled in 2018/2019: may have the bonus of 2 points by graduating by May 31, 2021; they may take advantage of the most favorable method for calculating the weighted average up to the first fall graduation session of 2021 (session beginning in September 2021); the bonus is then extended to the March and May 2021 sessions and the most favorable method to the July and September 2021 sessions.
Students enrolled in 2019/2020: may have the bonus of 2 points by graduating by 31 May 2022; they may take advantage of the more favorable method for calculating the weighted average until the first fall graduation session of 2022 (session beginning in September 2022); the bonus is then extended to the March and May 2022 sessions and the more favorable method to the July and September 2022 sessions.
- For students who have been enrolled in other master's degree programs or in single courses before enrolling in the lectures in Physics or Astronomy and Astrophysics, the following criterion is applied for the calculation of the weighted average of votes before the graduation:
- only years of enrollment are considered if the number of credits validated is less than or equal to 12 CFU
- only one additional year of enrollment is considered if the number of validated CFU is higher than 12 CFU and less than or equal to 40 CFU
- all years of university enrollment are considered if the number of validated CFUs is greater than 40 CFU
- Maternity or Paternity
During the enrollment period in the master's degree course, in the case of maternity / paternity, the deadlines for the achievement of the 2 point bonus move from 31/1 to 30/6, while the possibility of discarding 6 CFUs in the calculation of the average of degree moves from 31/5 to 30/11. (CAD resolution of 12/20/2018).
Information can be requested by e-mail: