Students XXXI cycle – Tor Vergata (1 nov. 2015 - 31 oct. 2018)

Student Tutor Thesis
Stefano Ascenzi           Viviana Fafone Electromagnetic signatures of compact binary mergers
Manuela Bischetti          Fabrizio Fiore Investigating AGN-feedback and host galaxy properties in luminous high-redshift QSOs
Alessandro Buzzelli          Paolo de Bernardis, Nicola Vittorio Facing correlated noise, systematics and foreground contamination in the search for CMB B-mode polarization
Rocco D'Agostino                Nicola Vittorio, Salvatore Capozziello
Model-independent reconstruction of dark energy from extended theories of gravity
Matteo D'Andrea           Claudio Macculi, Luigi Piro ATHENA large X-ray observatory: the development of the Cryogenic Anticoincidence Detector of the X-IFU spectrometer
Anna Galiano         Francesca Palomba Detection of mineralogical composition of Ceres subsurface by means of spectral analysis of crater central peak material
Daniele Galuzzo               Francesco Berrilli, Chiara Cagnazzo 3D Simulations of Exolpanetary Atmospheres – A Case Study: Proxima b
Michele Ginolfi        Raffaella Schneider, Roberto Maiolino The Baryon Cycle driving Galaxy Evolution
Arpine Kozmanyan                 Pasquale Mazzotta Cosmology with Sunyaev-Zel’dovich galaxy clusters
Mija Lovric           Francesco Berrilli Solar Ultraviolet Variability over cycles 21-25
Davide Magurno    Giuseppe Bono Optical/NIR high resolution spectroscopy of field and cluster RR Lyrae
Francesca Marchi                 Laura Pennericci Escape of Lyman emission in high redshift star-forming galaxies
Simone Mastrogiovanni       Viviana Fafone Hunting gravitational-waves from asymmetric spinning neutron stars in the advanced detectors era
Sara Rastello Roberto Capuzzo Dolcetta Black holes and Star clusters over mass and spatial scale

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma