Amaldi Research Center

The AMALDI Research Center is an interdisciplinary Center for both Gravitation Physics and Astrophysics. It is dedicated to Edoardo Amaldi, and has the purpose to (i) consolidate the role of the Physics Department and Italy (in general) within the international Gravitational-Wave (GW) research community; (ii) exploit the scientific return provided by the kilometer-scale laser interferometers LIGO and Virgo; (iii) be a key player for the design and development of the third-generation (3G) detectors (such as Einstein Telescope) and LISA gravity telescopes; (iv) train a new generation of students and researchers with strong transversal skills; (v) be an incubator for new ideas helping to cover frequency bands beyond those typical for current ground-based GW detectors; (vi) promote technology transfer to industries and enterprises; (vii) coordinate outreach activities.


Progetto per il Dipartimento di Eccellenza



L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma