Secretariats and Counters


Student information point

The Student Information Point provides information about the education offer.


OFFICE HOURS Student Information Point

MON: 10-14; TUE:10-12 (in presence)
THU:10-14 (in presence)
FRY: 10-12 (by skype)

room 001a Marconi building ground floor

On Friday the meetings occurs directly in the dr. S.Riosa room, from 10 to 12.




Sort is available on skype, looking for: Sort Fisica Sapienza


Phone: 06 49914233
Email contact is active during office hours.

Additional information

The position of Trust Counselor, according to Sapienza's Code of conduct in contrasting sexual harassment, is responsible for providing counseling and assistance to victims and contributing to the resolution of cases referred to her, in order to prevent and cope with possible situations of gender-related harassment that may occur in study and work relationships. This role is currently held by Dr. Giorgia Ortu La Barbera.
More information can be found on the University webpage at this link

Safe zone sapienzaThe Safe Zones are places of listening and sharing aimed at promoting inclusion and support towards the student component. If you see a "Safe Zone sticker" on the door of an office, it means that there is a trained person in that place to whom you can turn in case of need

The Department has also endowed itself, as of 2022, with a GEP Commission which aims at encouraging the participation of all people to the life of the Department, fostering a culture of respect and contrasting gender discrimination, in line with the directives of Sapienza's Gender Equity Plan.

More information on services available in Sapienza for the student component is gathered in this file.

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma