Call of Expression of Interest for an Associate or Full Professor in the field of Mathematical Physics

The Physics Department at Sapienza University of Rome invites expressions of interest from highly qualified scholars in view of a possible recruitment in the field of Mathematical Physics at the Associate or Full Professor level.
Successful candidates will be established scientists with an outstanding record of achievements in the field of Mathematical Physics who hold a position of Associate or Full Professor in their institution or have a corresponding National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) at the Full Professor level. They should be able to provide scientific leadership and actively contribute to the department’s academic program, strategy and governance. Potential synergies with the theory groups already active in the Physics Department (fundamental physics, condensed matter, statistical mechanics and computational physics) will be a positive factor.
Expressions of interests should contain a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a description of current research interests and all relevant information about the applicant. They must be submitted electronically through the following form. A working knowledge of Italian is appreciated but not required. Full considerations will be given to expressions of interest received by end of May, 2023.
The Department of Physics is committed to increase the gender balance of its faculty and particularly welcomes applications from qualified women.