12 Young Researcher Meeting

12 Young Researcher Meeting

Location: Astronomical Observatory of Rome, Monte Porzio Catone
Date: 02-04/10/2023


The Young Researcher Meeting (YRM) is a conference for students and young researchers, with the aim of promoting synergies among different branches of theoretical and experimental physics, through sharing methodologies and research techniques.

The main purpose of the conference is to offer young scientists the opportunity to present their work as short talks or posters, thus encouraging new fruitful collaborations. Moreover, participants will have the chance to increase their visibility through the publication of their scientific results as proceedings of the conference.

Link: https://www.iphysnet.com/wp/yrm/events/12yrm/

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma