Tomassoni Prize 2017 - The call


Call for nominations for the 2017 award Caterina Tomassoni and Felice Pietro Chisesi Prize which consists of a monetary prize amounting to 40.000 Euro, a medal of the Schola Physica Romana, and an invitation to deliver the prize Lecture at the Sapienza University of Rome next June.

The awards recognize outstanding achievements in theory, experiment, or both, in any branch of Physics. There are no restrictions on the nationality and the affiliation of the awardees.

A nomination should consist of a letter typically one page long, which illustrates the specific nominee's achievements to be considered. A biographical sketch and a list of the most important publications of the nominee would be higly appreciated. Candidates nominated in preceding years, but who are still qualified, will automatically be reconsidered by the committee. However, a renomination that mention additional work and its impact will strengthen the nomination.

Deadline for nomination is 1th March 2017

Award winner will be notified by April 3 2017

The nominations can be send by e-mail to the following address:

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma