Soft Discussions: Roads to the IsoDays 1

Soft Discussions: Roads to the IsoDays 1
Martedì, 24 Ottobre, 2023

It is with great pleasure that we announce this new event designed for the Italian soft matter community and beyond!   

Following the tremendous success of the Italian Soft Days (IsoDays), we have devised a fresh approach to keep our community actively connected between IsoDays editions.  For this reason, we have launched a series of webinars called "Soft Discussions: Roads to the IsoDays."   

These webinars, held almost every two months, stand out for their unique structure. Each webinar, lasting approximately 1 hour, will start with an entertaining initiative, called "Ask Me Anything!" (AMA), primarily aimed at young researchers and students approaching the soft matter world. The AMA session will allow the audience to interact with world-renowned soft matter experts, posing questions about their work and life as scientists. A moderator will select the questions from the audience and lead the interview. This initial entertaining part  will set the stage for a seminar on cutting-edge topics in soft matter, also presented by a globally renowned expert.

For the 2023-2024 edition, we have a long list of guests who can undoubtedly be described as giants in the field of soft matter.   

To kick things off, we will have Professors Daan Frenkel (University of Cambridge) and Giovanni Ciccotti ("Sapienza" University of Rome) teaming up for an exciting joint interview during the upcoming AMA session. Following that, we are pleased to announce that Professor Sharon Glotzer (University of Michigan) will be our distinguished speaker for the webinar.   

For additional details regarding dates and speakers, please visit the webinars page on the IsoDays website   

We warmly invite you to participate and spread the word, with the hope that this will become a new opportunity to keep the community united and promote the dissemination of knowledge in the field of soft matter.

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma