Non-renormalization of the anomalies and universality in transport coefficients

Non-renormalization of the anomalies and universality in transport coefficients
Lunedì, 15 Maggio, 2023

Seminario di Fisica-Matematica
Martedi' 16 Maggio alle ore 16 in Aula Conversi
Speaker: Vieri Mastropietro (Milano)

Anomalies are the breaking of classical symmetries by quantum effects, and their non-renormalization properties play a crucial role in a wide range of phenomena.

I present some rigorous theorems on the (non-perturbative) anomaly non-renormalization in QFT models, based on Renormalization Group, cluster or tree expansion and determinant bounds, proving the exact cancellation of the terms coming by the lattice cut-offs.

I discuss in particular a lattice fermion-vector model in d=3+1, the Sommerfield model in d=1+1 and the anomaly cancellation in a chiral lattice d=3+1 model.

Analogous results on universality in transport coefficients in Graphene, Hall insulators and Weyl semimetals in presence of a many body interactions will be also briefly presented. 

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L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma