Water - The Strangest Liquid

Water The Strangest Liquid
Giovedì, 24 Marzo, 2022

Mercoledì 30 Marzo ore 16:00 - Aula Conversi

In collegamento Zoom con l’università Ca’ Foscari, proietteremo l’evento di presentazione del documentario “Water - The Strangest Liquid” di Mikael Agaton and Annika Dopping, Sweden, 2021 / 58’. Parte del documentario è stata girata presso il nostro Dipartimento.


“This documentary reveals stunning and groundbreaking discoveries about the most vital of substances, the one that constitutes most of ourselves: water. Its remarkable properties define everything that lives on the planet, yet water is not at all understood. Its mysterious properties have puzzled international science for centuries, given rise to many schools of thinking and created severe controversy in the scientific community.

In this film the Swedish professor in physics at Stanford and Stockholm Anders Nilsson and his team of dedicated researchers enters the world of molecules and atoms under extreme conditions, and insist on designing and pursuing an experiment that nobody has considered possible. We follow their scientific journey from the hypothesis of two liquids from Prof. Francesco Sciortino towards the ultimate answer to why we are here at all: why life can exist on the planet.”

Il programma e la locandina dell’evento si possono trovare al seguente indirizzo web: https://www.unive.it/data/33113/25/57974


L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma