Spots about turbulence in Richardson's footsteps

Spots about turbulence in Richardson's footsteps
Lunedì, 11 Ottobre, 2021

Seminario Generale Angelo Vulpiani
EPS prize Statistical and Nonlinear Physics 2021
Giorno e luogo evento
Martedi' 12 Ottobre, Aula Conversi ore 16

Starting  from the seminal contributions of Richardson  two topics will be touched:
a) from  the intuition of a cascade mechanism  to the  multifractal model for fully developed turbulence;
b) from  relative dispersion in turbulence to  Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents and a powerful method for the  treatment of data.

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L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma