Pomeriggio tematico sulla massa del neutrino

Martedì, 30 Giugno, 2020

On Wed July 8th a series of INFN seminars on the direct measurement of the neutrino mass are organized in a virtual form 

Several experiments are currently being carried out and projected  to  study the beta spectrum endpoint of different radionuclides (as tritium,holmium, …) with very challenging and innovative  techniques.
The Katrin spectrometer experiment  has recently reported a new upper limit on the electronic neutrino mass.  In the picture the huge Katrin’s  magnet o operated at the Karlsruhe Institut of technology is shown while it is  moved.

The full agenda is here 
Google Meet will be used for the connection (meet.google.com/max-phdz-wnz)

F.Bellini, L.Cardani,  G.Cavoto, C.Rovelli


L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma