Un CUORE da record

Martedì, 31 Marzo, 2020

The CUORE Underground Experiment Narrows the Search for Rare Particle Process   The latest results of the CUORE experiment, published on Physical Review Letters, provide more stringent limits on a theoretical particle process known as neutrinoless double-beta decay, that could help to explain the abundance of matter over antimatter in the universe. With an array of crystals of 1 ton chilled to within a hair of absolute zero, located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, CUORE is the hugest cryogenic detector ever build for the search of rare events. With a 2-year span of data collection, CUORE was able to set the most stringent limit up to date on the searched process, never observed so far.

Phisical Review Letters

F.Bellini, L.Cardani, N.Casali, C.Cosmelli, I.Dafinei, G.Fantini, V. Pettinaci, C.Tomei.M. Vignati


L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma