Faculty Recruitment (Direct Calls 2024)
The Department of Physics of Sapienza University of Rome invites applications for academic openings at the Associate Professor level from all fields in Physics covered through a direct call procedure.
The Department of Physics has strong research groups in a number of fields over a wide range of interests and is seeking established scientists with an outstanding record of high impact research, excellence and leadership. The successful candidate will be expected to actively contribute to the department’s academic program, its strategy and governance, as well as providing scientific leadership and to participate in large-scale grant applications.
The Direct Calls program of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR), provides opportunities to fund academic positions to scientists and scholars who have been working abroad with an equivalent position for at least three years, or to recipients of European Research Council (ERC ) grants. More details about Direct Calls program and eligibility criteria can be found below.
Applications must be submitted electronically at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevQ8tDnovHo0unZjKM-ELFxcdoIMX0... . Applicants are requested to submit a brief CV, a list of publications, a research statement and a teaching statement.
Call closure: Jan 26th 2024
The Department of Physics is committed to increasing the gender balance of its faculty and particularly welcomes applications from qualified women.
For successful candidates having held academic positions abroad, there are some tax benefits, as, for example, a tax relief on 90% of the salary that may be granted for a duration from 6 to 13 years. For more detailed information on tax benefits see the following link:
Additional Information
The "Direct Calls" program of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR), provides opportunities to cover teaching posts through direct calls to Italian and foreign scholars meeting one of the following necessary requirements:
• scholars who have been working abroad on a permanent teaching or research position in a foreign university or research institution (art. 1 c.9 L. n. 230/2005) for at least THREE years, and holding an academic position equivalent to that which he is applying to with this direct call;
• scholars who have already worked in teaching or research capacities in Italian universities for at least THREE years on a direct call basis authorized by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (art. 1 c.9 L. 230/2005);
• winners, as P.I., of ERC grants of at least three years duration, and that have not been completed for more than three years (art. 29 c. 7 L. n. 240/2010, Art. 7, c. 2, D. M. n. 635/2016).
The applications will be reviewed by a cross disciplinary Selection Committee and will follow the official Direct Calls procedure. The Direct Call recruitment process involves several approval steps and requires the endorsement of the Ministry of Education, University, and Research. The selection procedure is expected to be completed by the end of 2024 for a hiring with a start date around Novembre 2025. The Rector confirms the appointment by Decree and sets the relative salary class based on seniority of service and merit (art. 1, c. 9, L. n. 230/2005).
Links to information and Legislative references:
L. 230/2005
L. n. 240/2010
D.M. n. 635/2016
L. n. 58/2019
• Head of the Department, Shahram Rahatlou (shahram.rahatlou@uniroma1.it)